These tools are downloaded from forexfactory or Thanks to those creators. I know CFD market is uncentralized, tick volume is not real volume, there's no way to access bid/ask volume on MT4, blah blah blah but you could still extract useful info from those data because some institutions trade CFD as well. You have to use a big brokerage house for it. FXCM, ICMARKETS,.... you know the rest. If you are familiar with market profile, cumulative volume delta and vwap, you probably understand how to apply these tools. I now just use futures data to trade 6B and ES mini.
Pick your market and apply EA to 1-minute chart to create your tick chart. Let it run for an hour or two before market open to collect enough data. Then you could apply other indicators to it.
Pick your market and apply EA to 1-minute chart to create your tick chart. Let it run for an hour or two before market open to collect enough data. Then you could apply other indicators to it.
Attached File(s)