Disliked{quote} The correlation is inverse, not direct (but I think that’s what you meant, really, and if so you’re entirely correct). {quote} This (like so much else you've posted) is just nonsense.

What's your TP? Fixed reward vs dynamic reward 5 replies
Rationale behind "Risk Per Trade" and "Risk/Reward Ratio"? 8 replies
Programmer wanted for this template (need email, IM or sms alert upon conditions met) 1 reply
Risk Reward Ratio and Account Risk 30 replies
Disliked{quote} The correlation is inverse, not direct (but I think that’s what you meant, really, and if so you’re entirely correct). {quote} This (like so much else you've posted) is just nonsense.
DislikedЗнаете, когда говорят, что никогда не следует торговать без стоп-лосса? Они правы, но я бы также...Ignored