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- 157 Results (5 Threads, 152 Replies)
- Arjun Bajaj replied Sep 15, 2015
Well I just leave him and select other broker and select another better broker. I will not waste my time on such brokers. I have changed a lot broker until now when I found my current broker. I am trading with him since 3 years and I have earned a ...
What to do if a broker cheated you?
- Arjun Bajaj replied Sep 15, 2015
I am just saying that many traders trade with Binary Options and earn through it. Its their luck or whatever I don't have such skills and thus I prefer Forex Trading. I earn a lot through expert advice of my current broker.
Starting with Binary Options
- Arjun Bajaj replied Sep 9, 2015
I don't know any of them but there should be many traders who are earning so much to become a millionaire or multimillionaire. I have started trading since 3 years with my current brokers and in these years I have earned a lot so there may many ...
Do You Know Any Millionaire or Multimillionaire Forex Traders?
- Arjun Bajaj replied Sep 9, 2015
Well have you tried changing your broker? I have also faced same difficulties for 2 years and changed many brokers due to this until I found my current broker which helped me a lot to make money in Forex.
A year and a half experience and still facing difficulties
- Arjun Bajaj replied Sep 4, 2015
Binary option can be useful in some aspects but I prefer Forex Trading in place of any other Binary option, as it helps me a lot. All the credit goes to my broker.
Starting with Binary Options
- Arjun Bajaj replied Sep 4, 2015
Yes, But if you found the a single best broker like me you can make more and more money and can avail much benefit through Forex Trading.
Forex = legal scam
- Arjun Bajaj replied Sep 1, 2015
It all depends upon the pairs you are trading with. My broker has given me information regarding various pairs and its favorable timings which helped me a lot.
Which days to avoid trading?
- Arjun Bajaj replied Aug 26, 2015
I have tried many binary options but never satisfied with the profits which I earn while trading with Forex and I give all the credit to my present Broker. They helped me a lot in earning ample amount of Profits every month.
Starting with Binary Options
- Arjun Bajaj replied Aug 26, 2015
I have been since 3 years and I have face much difficulty previously with various brokers, but after 1 year I found my current broker which helped me a lot. I also recovered my losses which were incurred by previous brokers and Now I am making most ...
Which Broker are you using and Why?
- Arjun Bajaj replied Jul 16, 2015
My suggestion is you should go to customer care for your answer and I`m sure you will get instant answer of your question.
HotForex Discussion
- Arjun Bajaj replied Apr 13, 2015
You can find scam on every fields so you cant say it totally scam. I do agree that many traders got problem with many brokers but this is also truth that many traders are getting good benefits from brokers.
Forex = legal scam
- Arjun Bajaj replied Apr 13, 2015
Well, Always following Fundamental analysis about eur-usd before placing any order
How do you trade?
- Arjun Bajaj replied Apr 3, 2015
What was the motive behind this image? And from where you got this image?
Anyone Know This Broker?
- Arjun Bajaj replied Apr 3, 2015
I`m not from Saudi but as per my knowledge you can trade from there, May be there is some rules or you must have Swap free account.
Anyone trading from Saudi Arabia?
- Arjun Bajaj replied Mar 11, 2015
doesn't its looks like advertisement?
FREE Institutional Forex Indicator Tool
- Arjun Bajaj replied Mar 11, 2015
Good knowledge and proper practice about Forex trading will make trading for living sure.
Trading for a living
- Arjun Bajaj replied Feb 26, 2015
Talk with them + show you statement and other records that they proves your earnings.
Pay Your Taxes
- Arjun Bajaj replied Feb 26, 2015
Agree and also don't take Forex a gambling or you will lose more to to cover previous one.
HotForex Discussion
- Arjun Bajaj replied Feb 9, 2015
Guys what do you think about zero spread account ? Still getting confused about 00 spread
HotForex Discussion
- Arjun Bajaj replied Jan 15, 2015
1 word you have to keep far away from trading is GREED.
ALL that is REALLY needed in trading