BW Energy has reported a significant oil discovery on the northern flank of the Hibiscus field in the Dussafu licence offshore Gabon, following drilling of the DHIBM-7P pilot well.

Drilled to a depth of 3,941m from the MaBoMo production platform, the DHIBM-7P pilot well has confirmed approximately 24m of pay within a 37m hydrocarbon column.

This is based on evaluation of logging data, sample analysis and formation pressure measurements.

The pilot well, located around 1.5km north-northwest of the MaBoMo platform, has been drilled using the Borr Norve jack-up rig.

The hydrocarbon column, extending across the Gamba and Dentale formations, marks the first instance of a shared accumulation in the field.

BW Energy CEO Carl K Arnet said: “This is yet another confirmation of the significant potential of the Dussafu licence, which BW Energy is rapidly unlocking through low-cost and low-risk development activity.”

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The preliminary assessment suggests a significant uplift in the estimated volume of oil in place and the gross recoverable reserves.

The DHIBM-7P pilot well, which has been drilled to appraise the northern flank of the Hibiscus field, is due to be completed as a production well later in 2024.

The next step for BW Energy is to develop the DHBSM-2H production well in the Hibiscus South field’s northern flank.

In March 2024, BW Energy started production from the Hibiscus South field in the Dussafu Licence.

The discovery was made through the DHBSM-1 appraisal well, which was drilled from the MaBoMo production platform.