
China takes step in becoming LNG carrier global leader

2024-05-16 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The world's first fifth-generation 174,000-cubic-meter LNG vessel is named and delivered on Wednesday in Shanghai. (Photo provided to

The world's first fifth-generation 174,000-cubic-meter LNG vessel was named and delivered on Wednesday in Shanghai, facilitating China's transformation from an industrial follower into a leader in liquefied natural gas carrier sector, according to the Shanghai-based shipyard.

Delivered five months ahead of its schedule, the ship Greenergy Ocean is independently designed, researched and developed by Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co Ltd, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corp.

With a length of 299 meters and a width of 46.4 meters, the dual-powered vessel is the nation's largest LNG carrier construction project so far, according to China State Shipbuilding Corp.

The world's first fifth-generation 174,000-cubic-meter LNG vessel is named and delivered on Wednesday in Shanghai. (Photo provided to

As an updated version, the Changheng series ships can reduce more than 10 tons of carbon emission on daily basis, and its boil-off rate is lowered by 15 percent. In addition, the new vessel model can carry 800 cubic meters more liquefied natural gas than the previous generation, according to the shipbuilder.

Since unveiling the fifth generation 174,000-cubic-meter LNG vessel in December 2021, Hudong-Zhonghua has received 34 orders of the new vessel model.

After 27 years of LNG carrier development, Hudong-Zhonghua has not only delivered more than 40 LNG carriers in total, but also mastered the technique of building the world's most advanced LNG carrier.

Earlier in late April, the shipbuilder received orders for building 18 LNG carriers with a capacity of holding up to 271,000 cubic meters of LNG, which is the world's largest single order of ships.

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